Start Empty

When we start empty, we see everything as an addition, a gift, a blessing.

When we start empty, we feel loved and lucky and grateful for everything we receive.

When we start empty, we welcome in joy and gratitude.

When we don’t start empty, we can hang on to a feeling of entitlement. We can feel as though things are taken from us.

When we don’t start empty, we can feel anger, frustration and bitterness.

Just as we get to choose whether we live in a friendly universe or an unfriendly universe, we get to choose whether we start empty or not.

When I walked the run at nationals, something happened at a soul level. I came back to empty. At the time, it hurt in every way possible—physically in my heel, mentally in my ego and spiritually in my soul.

And now I am so incredibly grateful that I came home to empty. Instead of being frustrated that I’m not running, I’m experiencing so much joy in this cycling intensive. I have no idea where this will lead or when I will be running again and that’s not my job. My job is to follow the joy.


Human Design: Emotional Waves


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