BOOK YOUR human design play session!

Do you want to know everything about your soul blueprint or have questions about your Human Design?

These playful co-creative sessions are for anyone curious about themselves, including those who are brand new to Human Design and those who are years into their Human Design experiment. I used to offer full Human Design Readings that were very thorough. These play sessions are my upgraded version of full readings, giving us time to focus on the part of your chart that’s calling to you and giving you time to fully digest and understand the information so you can begin to embody this next level of your aligned self.

We'll meet over zoom and you'll get a recording of our session.

Book your 60-minute Human Design play session below ⬇️

✨To book your Human Design Play Session you’ll need to provide your birthdate,
exact time of birth and the city in which you were born.

Get on the list!

Find Your Awesome

Helping you understand Human Design in real life so you can live an awesome, joyful, ease-filled, soul-aligned life. Join us for monthly Community Coaching Calls and Human Design Masterclasses.

find your awesome sauce

Sharing delicious, nutritious creations with a drop of joy to help you fuel your amazing body!

manifesting generator

Join me in our very own MG space. Here, we'll zig and zag and bounce and break all the rules. This is a place for play, fun and the freedom to do life in our own MG way!


“Kelsey saw me and reflected me back to me in a way that I didn’t have any idea was possible. To say that working with Kelsey changed my life is both cliche and a complete understatement.”

- Tina Olsen

Milton Drewer

“Without the human design session with Kelsey, I’d still be at that same job, wasting precious hours and days of life. Thank you so much Kelsey. You literally changed my life.”

- Milton Drewer


Kelsey sparkles from the inside out, and no matter what HD type you are, it’s like you suddenly feel this permission slip to step into who you really are. You feel like it’s all going to be okay.”

- Ariana Dokhancy