The Universe Wants You to Be SparklyAF

I was recently watching "NEXT in Fashion" on Netflix. It's a show where amazingly-talented designers compete to make the best runway looks, suits, active wear, etc in just two days. Pete and I love watching people create and we're just mesmerized by the fact that these people can make an entire suit period, let alone do it in two days.

In the active wear episode, one of the designers works herself into a tizzy with negative self talk. She can't get out of her own way and almost quits the competition. This person has made the most amazing stuff before this. Everything she creates is a game-changer. And now, there's a risk that she won't create anything. Why? Because her emotions and her fear and her inner critic have hijacked her creative genius. She is light years away from flow.

Who loses if she doesn't create what she's capable of creating? We do. Who loses if she isn't her sparkliest self? We do. Who loses if she doesn't share her unique gifts with the world? We do. 

It's our job to be our sparkliest selves. It's our job to take care of our bodies, minds and souls so we can share our gifts with the world. Not taking care of ourselves is selfish. Not owning our sparkle is selfish. Not sharing our gifts is selfish.

The universe wants you to be sparkly AF. The world needs you to share your gifts from your sparkliest self.

This is why I do what I do. Because the world craves what that designer can create when she's her best self. Because each one of us has a unique set of gifts and we're here to use those gifts to raise the world.

If you're not fully in your sparkle, if you're not owning and sharing your gifts, you're not elevating the world. You may be helping someone. You may be making someone's day. But you're not elevating the world. And elevation is why we're here.

It takes work to own your sparkle. It takes courage to own and share your gifts. Most of us don't just wake up one day and decide that we're going to let the world see our brightest shiniest selves. Most of us don't know how to be our brightest shiniest selves. We've been trained to play small, to sacrifice our own desires to take care of others and to fit in. 

Our mission as humans is to undo all of that training and remember who we are. Only once we know who we are can we truly love ourselves. We need to love ourselves in order to love others, and we need to love ourselves and others to truly own and share our gifts. It's only in owning and sharing our gifts that we can raise the world.

If these words are tugging at your soul, it's time to talk about an Alignment Coaching partnership.

If these words are tugging at your soul, but you're only ready to take the first step, that's okay. A Human Design reading is for you. (Read on for the secret code to get $50 off this weekend.)

My friend Kyle and I sparkled up the internet yesterday. Kyle is a Purveyor of Joy and I'm an Instigator of Joy. Together, we created this. In this video, you'll hear me share three things you can do TODAY to amplify your joy. You'll also hear the secret code to get $50 off a Human Design Reading. The code is JOYISHERE and it expires on Monday, March 8 so get after it. You can book your reading for a date as far away as you want, you just have to actually book the reading by Monday to take advantage of this.

And, finally, there are three episodes of The Find Your Awesome Podcast I haven't told you about yet:

  • Dacy Gillespie calls BS on the fashion and styling beliefs that aren't serving us in Dacy Gillespie on Mindful Styling.

  • I dropped a bonus meditation to help you through the in-between called The Space Between.

  • And I aired my first solo episode of 2021 on Thursday. I talk about the concept of service and creating ripples of light, share some recent lessons from pain, and discuss some of my experiences and practices to manage the mental pressure I feel from my open crown in
    SOLO: Integration, Pain and an Open Crown.

I know this was long. You're worth it. I love you.


P.S. Things that are bringing me so much joy: walks in nature with my pack, sweet potato-red lentil-basil soup, making new friends.

The Find Your Awesome Podcast
Free Human Design Chart


"Ease" doesn't mean staying comfortable


Healthier. Stronger. Fitter. Faster.