Abundance Land versus Lack Land

Choice is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

We get to choose how to fuel our bodies (I'm currently obsessed with kale salad with turmeric dressing, oranges, strawberries, blackberries, and spiced pepitas.)

We get to choose which music to listen to on Spotify (I'm loving Lizzo right now.)

We get to choose what we think and how those thoughts will impact our days (I constantly remind myself that my life gets to be this amazing and it keeps getting better and better. It all gets to be easy!)

Earlier this week, in The Money Class Open House, we talked about choosing to live in Abundance Land or Lack Land. Abundance Land is filled with joy, excitement, play, delightful surprises, and an abundance of all the good things.

In Lack Land, there's not enough time, money, wellness, or space. That's where the beliefs of "I'm not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, rich enough, strong enough, or fast enough" live.

Lack Land is a dreary place. It's a place that we all visit during our time on this planet. It's the place where we learn what we don't want.

Abundance Land is lush, beautiful, and sparkly. It feels really good to be in Abundance Land.

Every moment of every day, you get to choose if you want to be in Abundance Land or Lack Land.

And right now, you also get to choose if you'd like to join us for The Money Class!

The Money Class is a 12-week adventure to transform your relationship with money. And it starts September 12th.

Learn more about what this adventure could mean for you HERE.

I love you.


P.S. I received this wonderful note earlier this week: "I've been listening to your podcasts in the morning while I get ready. Your energy & enthusiasm are contagious and really get me up & going every day!" Hooray! That's my intention. If you're ready to infuse your life with some of that delicious, uplifting energy, listen to today's episode with my friend Amy White. Amy and I get together every month to talk about the energy for the upcoming month (and to play and talk about pole dancing and puppies). Listen to the September energy update: Come Back to Yourself.


"Holy Shit" moments and saying "YES!"


The Money Class Open House 🎉