a love letter to
Dear Reflectors,
You are perfect exactly as you are now, and as you have been before and will be in the future.
You are not the same from one moment to the next, and that is simply magical. You are a fluid being, constantly shifting as the moon and the planets move and as you move through the world around you.
Please don’t try to lock yourself into being one version of yourself. That’s not what you’re here for.
You’ll be a different version of you whether you’re with Randy the Squirrel, Sam the Turtle or Bruce the Badger and whether you’re in Chicago, Dubai or Melbourne.
Some places will make you feel really great. Stay there. Some places will make you feel icky. Get out of there.
You are a totally unique, beautifully magical being.
You are everything and nothing.
You are everybody and nobody.
You know everything and nothing.
You feel everything and nothing.
You speak for everyone and for no one.
There is no one else like you.
You are a disco ball of awesomeness.
And you, my magical friend, are here to be delightfully surprised. Surprises will flow to you when you allow yourself to flow.
So, let go. Allow every moment to be a brand new moment. Allow every place to be a brand new place. And allow all of it to be an invitation to be a brand new you.
And when you do that—when you release the desire to control—life will show off for you in the most magical ways.
I love you.
P.S. To learn more about your totally unique Human Design, book a Human Design Session with me here. To learn how to fully embody your Human Design and live a joyful, easeful, abundant, fun, soul-aligned life, book a private coaching session here.