every day is supposed to make you feel like a dog with her head out the window

My friend Rachel and I ride bikes together almost every Sunday morning. I love it so much. A couple weeks ago, I felt so many joy bubbles that I couldn't keep it in.

I turned to her and said…

“I love this so much! I'm so happy. I feel like a dog with my head out the window.”


And because of how happy I was, I ended up riding longer than planned.


It was all so EASY and FUN!


I don't mess around where I don't belong (ahem, grocery stores…). I only mess around where I DO belong.


Which is everywhere that makes me smile and laugh and feel lit up and have MORE energy when I get back home, and not feel drained.


Everywhere that makes me feel like a dog with her head out the window.


And hey, I was recently a guest on The Feminine Marketing Podcast where I spoke about this and…


✨ How to identify when your energy is being siphoned in the wrong direction

✨What to do in order to start flowing through your day with ease

✨The drain/gain list that will change your life

✨Are you spending too much time in your “undefined centers?”

✨What “watching the news” and “going grocery shopping” have in common

…and of course, SO MUCH MORE!


It's all supposed to be easy. Every day is supposed to make you feel like a dog with her head out the window.


And if you want to get more coaching around flowing through your day with ease, join me for another Free for All THIS Thursday, September 28th, 4pm EST!🎪🤸🏽‍♀️

The Free for All is your opportunity to get coaching around anything, ask questions about Human Design, or Feng Shui, or anything else. And it's totally free!

Please RSVP to get the secret password to join us.

I love you.


P.S. This is what happens when you flow through your day with ease


Manifesting Generators: “moving fast” is our natural pace


my daily practice