feel like you're swimming upstream?
Want to bring some FUN and EASE and MAGIC back into your life? Then it's time to stop swimming upstream, and break through the old stories and bullshit that are dragging you down.
Our personal narratives shape how we think of ourselves, others, and the world around us. Those narratives can either empower us to see the fun in everything, and thrive…...or limit our joy and hold us back.
Sometimes, without even realizing it, we get caught up in old stories that no longer serve us. Like…
The story of feeling like no one wants to spend time with you because you were one of the last ones picked for a team in second grade.
The story of never having enough because growing up, you heard all the adults around you say things like, "we can't afford that," "money doesn't grow on trees," "that's too expensive," "that's out of our league," and "we don't have enough money."The story of not being good enough because your siblings, friends and classmates always got the praise, and not you.
These narratives become like old movies that we keep replaying, reinforcing limiting beliefs and hindering our ability to have the best day ever, every day of your life.
But here's the exciting truth:
We have the ability to rewrite our stories.
We can choose to let go of the old narratives that no longer align with who we are and who we want to be.
Ask yourself: "Is this belief based on up-to-date evidence? Is it helping me grow and move forward?” You'll realize that these beliefs are usually self-imposed limitations.
And hey, guess what? I help high performers remember who they are so they can do *epic shit* and finally do the damn thing
I'm allllll about ditching the old stories, and helping my clients do epic shit.
Here's some love notes from my clients to remind you that, you can change your narrative: