How to use your Emotional Authority

So many of us were raised to believe that being emotional is a bad thing. We're taught that feeling and showing emotions is a sign of weakness. Maybe we've even been told that strong people don't have emotions.

Well, that's BULLLLLSHIT.

Every human feels emotions. People without Emotional Authority feel other people's emotions. People with Emotional Authority have their own emotions--and those emotions are gifts straight from the universe.

Yep, Emotional Authority is our direct connection to the Universe/God/Source/Spirit. It's kind of a big deal and only 53% of us have this super power.

How do we use it?

I'm going to teach you! Join me next week on Tuesday, December 7 at 2pm ET for a Live Emotional Authority Masterclass.

In this live masterclass, we'll cover:

  • what Emotional Authority is and why it's a gift

  • how to use your Emotional Authority to get off the struggle bus and experience more ease, flow and abundance

  • how to make decisions using your Emotional Authority

  • which of the four unique emotional waves you have (they are all so different!)

  • how to ride your waves and support yourself

  • which gifts make up your emotional waves and how to maximize them

This masterclass will be recorded, BUT you'll only get an opportunity to be coached by me or ask me questions if you come to the live class.

To find out if you have Emotional Authority, look at your chart. If the circled center in the chart below is colored in (like mine is), you have Emotional Authority. If the circled center is white, you have a different kind of Authority.

Register for the LIVE Emotional Authority Masterclass HERE. We'll meet on zoom at 2pm Eastern on Tuesday, December 7.

I love you.


P.S. Don't have your Human Design Chart? Get it here.

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Unstuck Yourself
Inner Critic Transformation


December's Energy


the super power of emotional authority