I live my life fueled by wonder, awe and joy

I know we have some new friends here so I wanted to re-introduce myself!

Hi. I'm Kelsey! I'm a 4/6 Manifesting Generator and I live my life fueled by wonder, awe and joy.

Manifesting Generators must be multi-passionate to be living in alignment. (Any other energy type can be multi-passionate as well, but it's not essential for their alignment.) Here's a peek at my multi-passionate path:

✨I have my Bachelors in psychology and art history, with a “minor and a half” in biology–I was basically a neuroscience major who was wise enough to skip chemistry and organic chemistry

✨I have my Masters in marine biology and I've studied killer whales, dolphins & coral reef ecology

✨I really really love swimming, biking and running. I'm an All American triathlete and I've been a member of Team USA five times so far.

✨I'm a former personal trainer. And I used to have a food blog. And a science blog. My first popular science publication was a book chapter called "Rump-Shaking Red-Eyed Tree Frogs."

✨I've studied and trained in professional coaching, performance coaching, Energy Leadership, Human Design, Reiki, Tibetan meditation, Feng Shui, and mindfulness meditation.

✨I love cooking and I've been gluten-free and plant-powered for a long time.

✨I LOVE playing and snuggling with Zumi, my 1-year-old dog. He's also an MG.

✨I met my husband while in Hawaii. We were both interns at a dolphin research center.

Why do I do what I do? My primary purpose in this lifetime is to be intuitive for other people. I see you and I want to help you see you. 

You are so incredible and magical and beautiful. I see your magnificence so clearly. I see the ease-filled path of joy and abundance that your soul chose for you. I see the glorious life that is available to you and I see the completely unique gifts that you bring to this world.

🌈 I want to help you see your own power and brilliance. I want to help you live in alignment with everything your soul chose for you. And I want you to be madly in love with your awesome and abundant life!

I love you.


P.S. Here are a few things I'm loving right this second:

🎵 I can't get enough of this song!

😎 I've got some custom sunglasses coming my way this week. I used all the colors and I'm so excited to meet them.

🌸Lemon and lime blossoms are making our backyard smell amazing right now!

🏡 I start my next level Feng Shui training this week!

💌 Send me an email and let me know what you're loving right this second.



abundance vibes, first birthdays, nudges from the universe, HD New Year + Q&A


choose your adventure