Please don't pee in the mop bucket

Picture this:

You're enjoying a lovely dinner out at a new restaurant with friends, and you have to pee. You excuse yourself from the inspiring conversation and ask a server where the restroom is.

"Down the hall to the left," she says.

Confident that you know where you're going, you head towards the hallway. You're pretty sure you see lots of people going in the first door. You even see some of your friends go in that door.

Without doubting yourself for a second, you head for the door. You try to push it open, but it doesn't budge. You jiggle the handle, but nothing happens. You push harder and jiggle harder and maybe even try to kick the door because it must be stuck, right?

No. It's the door to the storage closet. And it would be very uncool of you to pee in the mop bucket.

The restaurant staff is saving you from embarrassment, awkwardness and mess-making by keeping that door closed.

The universe does the same thing. 

Sometimes there's something we think we want and it feels like everyone else doing it, but when we try to open the door, it won't move. Why? Because we're not supposed to go that way. Because we're not supposed to pee in the mop bucket.

The restroom is just a little farther down the hall. Pull up your trust pants and keep on walking. It's waiting for you. And it's magnificent. It's not just an appropriate place to relieve yourself, it's one of those fancy bathrooms that absolutely dazzles you--the kind you'll tell everybody about when you return to the table.

Your job, my friend, is to DO YOUR JOB.

You're here to be sparkly and shiny. You're here to own and share your gifts. You're here to raise the world. You're here to send ripples of light across the planet. You are a Light Leader. (And Light Leaders don't follow the same path as everyone else.)

You're not here to follow the crowd. You are here to do things YOUR way. You're here to carve your own path. That's how you'll raise the world.

Of course that feels hard. There's no manual for world-raising. But there is a blueprint (your Human Design chart) and there is guidance (Light Leader Amplification). I've got you. Let's raise the world together.

Speaking of doing things YOUR way, that's what Kourtney Thomas and I talk about in this week's episode of The Find Your Awesome Podcast. We also talk about Dolly Parton, body image and being anti-fitness fitness professionals. And, at the end, we celebrate our social media-free lifestyles as we realized that we'd both retired from social media in 2020.

If you're pondering following in our footsteps and quitting social media, my upcoming course "4 Weeks to Quit the Stuff that isn't Serving You" is for you. Or maybe you want to quit a job, a relationship, skipping workouts, spending so much time on your phone, criticizing yourself or bazillions of other possibilities. The fun starts on April 11 and our live coaching calls will be on Thursdays at 4pm Eastern so SAVE THE DATES: April 15, April 22, April 29 and May 6 from 4-5pm Eastern. These calls won't be recorded as they're real coaching calls. You've gotta show up to experience the magic.

I love you.

P.S. Things that are bringing me so much joy right now: Makai taking Pete and me on a 3-mile walk on the trails, this conversation with Jacquelyn Rodriguez on The Intuitive Light Podcast, seeing dolphins at the beach, coaching the most amazing Light Leaders and eating blueberry passionfruit sorbet. 

The Find Your Awesome Podcast


How to Invite More Magic Into Your Life


Calling all Light Leaders ✨