WTF is Human Design?!
When I first heard the term “human design,” I thought it was some sort of religious concept and I was super skeptical. When I learned that it was a system that combined astrology, the chakras, the iChing and other schools of wisdom, I was curious, but still super skeptical.
It wasn’t until I finally tried to make sense of my own chart, that I felt yanked down the rabbit hole.
I felt so validated—and celebrated—for all the times I’d been told I was doing *it* wrong and yet I knew in my soul that I was doing it exactly as I was supposed to. I felt like I had permission to be my totally unique, weirdo self. And as I did reading after reading, I watched other people experience that same feeling of relief, permission, freedom and possibility.
I realize that some of you may be cocking your heads in puppy-like confusion whenever I mention human design so let me explain the basics to you:
Before we were born, our souls decided how we would interact with the world around us and what we came here to do. The system that describes all of this is called Human Design.
We are born knowing everything our souls chose for us, but as time goes on and we interact with more and more humans, we forget. Learning our human design is all about remembering who we are and RECEIVING PERMISSION to move through life in the way we're meant to.
If you want to learn more about human design, please reach out. I love to talk about it. 😉
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