your body will guide you ✨

I am SO grateful for Human Design. 

My HD chart says, “When making decisions, stay the F out of your head Kelsey, and only listen to your body.”

Okay maybe not those exact words but that's how I hear them.

All of my wisdom lives in my body. Not my head. (Psst... there's a 99% chance your chart says the same thing about you. Our heads are for decoration and solving word problems. Our bodies are our trustworthy decision-making machines.) So when it comes to making decisions, I shouldn't just think about it. Or think things through. Or think….

I need to feel

That's why I'm so grateful for Human Design because thinking things through with my brain has always felt exhausting (and kind of pointless) to me.

But my body has always known what's up. When something is for me, I will experience a feeling of, “Holy hell yes, that's for me” throughout my body.

This is just one of many tools Human Design has given me, and so many other humans. And I'm so grateful to have this tool to turn to when I need some guidance on what decision to make when it comes to….

…what direction to go in my work (like when I took the pause from my Podcast)

…what direction to go in the grocery store (like what the heck am I eating for dinner?)

…what direction to go on the trail (Left? Right? Straight? Turn around?)

We each have our own special brand of intuition. Curious to find out what yours is?

If you come play with us in my new Learn Your Human Design with Kelsey course coming out at the end of THIS MONTH, you'll walk away with HD tools like this to add to your toolbox.

This course is your opportunity to fully understand your soul's blueprint and LIVE your Human Design by aligning your life to your chart.

You will be connecting with other conscious souls looking to make the most of this Earth School while getting unstuck in anything and everything that just feels icky.

I'll be teaching you EVERYTHING I know about HD and walking you through an intentional, digestible, perfectly paced experiment towards EMBODYING your completely unique HD!

This course is your springboard to launch your unique HD experiment in the most aligned direction.

Do you think you'll want to join? Do you feel like this is a good idea?


P.S. My girl Danielle and I go into some fun storytelling about the times where we made decisions based off our thinking instead of our feelings, and how we got through those little hiccups. Catch the full episode here!


what's your guilty pleasure?


I've never been so excited to pull into a Hardees parking lot