A Sacred Pause

After more than five years and 289 episodes, the Find Your Awesome Podcast is taking a brief pause. I want to step back and rediscover the intention for this space. I want to call back my energy, figure out where I want this to go, and then go there with a Holy Hell Yes! But I want your help in understanding what you want from this space. Please fill out the survey linked below to to share your thoughts. How has the Find Your Awesome Podcast served you, what do you love about it and what do you want more of? I’m excited about the possibilities and I am so grateful to all of you for listening. May this sacred pause be an invitation for you to take a sacred pause from something in your life—or an opportunity to catch up on all 289 episodes of The Find Your Awesome Podcast, or both!

>> SURVEY <<

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The Path of Least Resistance


Human Design Environments