Easy peasy with Amy White

“This energy is very much an invitation to choose how we prioritize our peace and what is most important to us.” - Amy White

Is your own peace really your priority? This month’s energy is about stopping and being present in the moment. The stress and pressure you might be feeling right now is often a projection of what you think might happen in the future, but not what is actually happening in the moment. More often than not, all is well in this immediate, right-now moment. Consider this episode an invitation to come into your present. Ignore the cultural story that life is supposed to be hard. You get to choose whether it’s hard or easy. So, why not choose ease?

“We all came to experience this life differently.” - Amy White

“We are all doing the best we can from where we are.” - Amy White

If you are interested in working 1-on-1 with Kelsey, book a free 30-minute clarity call here.

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Find Amy online at https://www.amywhite.co

She’s @mzamywhite on Instagram

See her pole dancing on Instagram @amyonthepole 

Listen to the past year’s worth of Amy’s Find Your Awesome Podcast episodes here.


You ALWAYS Have A Choice


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