Emotional Eating with Jessica Procini

Emotional Eating with Jessica Procini
Kelsey Abbott

“Food goes way beyond what we are eating and how much we are exercising.”
- Jessica Procini 

Jessica Procini is on a mission to help high-achieving women heal the roots of their emotional eating so they can use food as fuel rather than a way to cope, soothe and attempt to escape their busy, stressful life. From over a decade of research and her own personal emotional eating journey, Jessica consciously created her uniquely effective Escape From Emotional Eating® process and programs because Overeaters Anonymous didn't resonate with her and the 932 hours she spent in therapy never helped her end her fight with food. Jessica helps other high-achieving women do the same through all her levels of support such as her year-long transformational programs, her retreats called the ESCAPE and through her various public talks, events and workshops.

“What the pandemic has done is it has simply heightened things that have already been there.”
- Jessica Procini

Experiencing emotions is part of the human experience, but it’s not something we learn how to do in school. That leaves many of us turning to eating as a way to try to process our emotions. And in this time of heightened everything, many people are not only noticing their emotional eating tendencies, they’re looking for help in healing these patterns. I hope this episode helps. 

“It is very rare that we are feeling one emotion at one time. That’s what I think trips a lot of people up, is they have this expectation that our emotions are black and white. And they’re not.”
- Jessica Procini

“It’s called emotional eating for a reason, because there is an emotion present. And emotions are connected to energy.”
- Jessica Procini

“Emotional eating is a sign that you have gone unconscious somewhere in your life. And your body is screaming for your attention and for your support. And you are just shoving it down, basically saying ‘Shut up.’”
- Jessica Procini

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