Find Your Awesome with Georgina Durcan
Georgina Durcan:
“Use the power of conscious choice. It will be your greatest gift.”
Georgina Durcan is a Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive healer who helps her clients connect to their TRUE self, to their SOUL, to the LOVE within. Georgie’s work gives people the ability to be who they truly are meant to be in the world, to connect with themselves and the world in a deep and meaningful way and to create a life that they love and feel grateful for everyday.
This conversation is beautiful and magical. It was such a gift for me to share this space with Georgie AND such a gift to listen to the recording. Georgie is a powerful spiritual teacher, a healer whose words seem to dance in the air AND a totally down to earth mama to toddler twins. Open your hearts, your souls and your minds, magical souls. Really receive this one.
“When you start connecting to your soul and hearing it and you start getting the clarity and you start creating from that space, you’ll never not want to.”
“We need people to help us get up. We need people to give us the wings to float and fly.”
“We have to see it first. If we don’t see it, we don’t know what’s holding us back and we keep trying and doing all these things and we keep doing it differently and trying different ways and yet the same patterns come up again and again.”
“We’re all in a chain and every single cog in that chain is equally important, but only if we see each other’s gifts and honor them and respect them and give someone the ability to do them. And how we do that is to stop trying to do everything ourselves.”
“Clarity leads to connection which leads to creation.”
“When you start connecting to your soul and hearing it and you start getting the clarity and you start creating from that space, you’ll never not want to.”
“Most of the time when we’re feeling uncertain or nervous or frightened or cranky or worried, we just want someone to say it’s okay.”
“The things that are truly going to help us heal are within and in nature. The universe has given us everything.”
“Use the power of conscious choice. It will be your greatest gift.”
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