Laura Milne and Betsy Milne on hustle and flow


“You don't have to know why you are doing something. If it feels in alignment it’s right for you. Just go with it. Trust it.”

 - Laura Milne

Betsy and Laura are transformational business and branding coaches on a mission to empower women with the tools and motivation they need to turn a spark of an idea into a full- fledged businesses and sought-after brands. Born from of the ashes of burnout, Luscious Hustle was created to redefine what it means to “hustle” as an online entrepreneur. In less than a year, they harnessed their passion to build a six-figure business that supported the lifestyle and time/freedom they craved. 

“Luscious is the thing that you think you will have at the end of the rainbow.”

- Laura Milne

This episode has it all, from trigger words to masculine and feminine energy, and even a how-to on living your life using your sacral authority. Betsy Milne and Laura Milne (same last name, no relation) talk about how they live their lives based on lunar cycles and how a desire to empower others has helped them find their true path.

“If you can rewrite how you hustle or rewrite the story and connection to that word, then it does become flow. It does become something that feels really good ”

- Betsy Milne

“I wanted to empower myself so that I could empower my daughter and then I could empower other women.”

- Laura Milne

“The thing about the moon cycle and the lunar cycle in general, is there is always another one. It is the most abundant thing you have in your life.”

- Betsy Milne

 Find Betsy and Laura online at:

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