Following the Joy with Ariana Joy

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“Using what makes you happy isn’t just a nice to know thing; it’s not a nice to have thing. It shouldn’t be a luxury, because it’s our compass. It is our compass to making our best decisions. ”
- Ariana Joy

Meet Ariana Joy. She’s my friend, client and favorite copywriter. She’s also a 5/1 Generator and the founder of the blog, Just Follow Joy. One of her principle tenets: following our joy isn’t just a “perk,” it’s a necessity for a happy, successful life. In this week’s episode, we talk about how Ariana fell in love with human design, and how it resonated with her so much as a celebration of  what makes us all different. We had so much fun making this episode for you! We talk about Generators, Manifesting Generators, open Ajnas, and the difference between active and passive brains. And we crack ourselves up at the end. Hopefully, our joy is contagious.

“A lit up generator is one of the most attractive most joy-inducing things to be around, for everybody.”
- Ariana Joy

“[As a generator:] Just because you can, doesn’t mean you have to.”
- Ariana Joy

“You get to be successful for doing what feels amazing.”
- Ariana Joy

Find Ariana online at 

Check out her blog here

Get Copy Joy here

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Bonus Meditation: Giving Your Brain a Bath


Bonus Episode: Strategy for Non-Specific Manifestors