How to Tell What’s For You and What’s Not For You

Holding out for that “Holy Hell Yes” can be a challenge sometimes when other people’s energy pushes you in one direction or another. But truth lies in your body. So, let your body lead you. Your body knows what’s for you and what’s not. Danielle and I talk through a few stories of how our bodies have known even before our heads do—and how things end up when we ignore our bodies and let our heads make choices for us. Listen in and let us know your experiences of how its worked out when you let your body lead… and when you’ve found yourself on the strugglebus when you led with your head instead!

Amy White and Kelsey are hosting the first Find Your Awesome Podcast event on December 21 from 3-4pm Eastern. Sign up to join us here.

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Parenting a Manifestor


The Path of Least Resistance