Human Design and Conditioning
“Our society doesn’t really always handle uniqueness well. ”
- Pete
Peter McDougall (my husband) and I are back again. This time, we discuss the ways Human Design has helped us identify conditioning and how it influences our behavior. We touch on how conditioning can impact manifestors and generators (and thus manifesting generators), on how it leads to shoulds and the role it can play in limiting our intuition. Unsurprisingly, we also follow a few segues to some non-HD topics. So there’s a little something for everyone in this episode!
“We are all really complex beings. The behaviors that we exhibit are often a result of layer upon layer upon layer of factors and influences.”
- Pete
“Bring me abundance of all kinds for being my authentic self.
Please can I just be me.”
- Kelsey
“Society is always asking us ‘How do you know that?’ ‘Why do you think that?’”
- Kelsey
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