Inspired Action vs. Convenient Action

“When we follow this convenient timing instead of inspired timing, it leads to heavy and hardness. And when things are heavy and hard, they are not for us.” - Kelsey Abbott

The path to ease is lined with choices based on being inspired by the universe, whether that’s reaching out to an old friend, or sitting down to draft that blog piece, or calling customer service about troublesome technology. But it is a one-way ticket to the strugglebus if you decide to rationalize that timing instead. Maybe you think it would be good to do those things now. Maybe you have a convenient space in your schedule. Or maybe you are just feeling pressure to get it done. Whatever the reason, thinking your way into action is the way to make things heavy and hard. So how the heck do you choose inspired action instead of convenient action? Listen in to find out.

“Be willing to be a weirdo. […] And trust like a mofo.” - Kelsey Abbott

“We are all tapped into Divine Guidance… we just have a trust problem.” - Kelsey Abbott

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