July Energy: Choice Points

“We can focus on the chaos that’s happening in the world or we can focus on the beautiful gifts of kindness that happen.” - Amy White

Things happen in the world that break our hearts and impact our livelihoods and families. But when you waste your energy by only seeing the negatives in the human experience you miss the joy and the peace that are also there, in the middle of this combined human and soul experience. The goal is to find your own sacred center and then operate from that. Don’t start your day out chasing the bad energy without first choosing to find your own peace. 

“Your energy, your consciousness is part of this wisdom. It’s not separate.” - Amy White

If you are interested in working 1-on-1 with Kelsey, book a free 30-minute clarity call here.

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Get a free love note for your Human Design energy type here.

Find Amy online at https://www.amywhite.co

She’s @mzamywhite on Instagram

See her pole dancing on Instagram @amyonthepole 

Listen to the past year’s worth of Amy’s Find Your Awesome Podcast episodes here.


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Evolving Toward the New Paradigm