Making Benevolent Mischief with Michael Schein


“Everyone thinks that promotion and hype is just this thing that at best you have to do, and at worst it’s just rotten and manipulative. And to me, sometimes it’s enriching, it adds a certain playfulness.”
- Michael Schein

From an early age, Michael Schein balanced dark humor with good behavior. His desire to go against the grain led him to a career promoting benevolent mischief. He founded MicroFame Media, a marketing agency that specializes in making idea-based companies famous in their fields and now he’s written The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets From the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers with the intention of getting the most effective tools in the hands of “the good guys.” The Hype Handbook will be available everywhere books are sold on January 12, 2021. 

“A lot of bad people are good at this stuff. And they come to it naturally. But the strategies themselves aren't bad, so I said I’d love to put these strategies in the hands of people trying to do good stuff and teach them how to use it ethically.”
- Michael Schein

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Bonus Meditation: Being + Noticing


Waking Up to My Magic