Playing Human Design with Jessie Klein


“It’s one thing to know our own design, and it’s another to understand how we fit within the puzzle.”-
Jessie Klein 

Jessie Klein is a Human Design Coach and a Physical Therapist. After finishing her doctorate degree, she embarked on her own inner work journey in search of the “missing” link between mind, body, and spirit health. In early 2019 she discovered Human Design and learned of the connection between the physical body and energetic body, and it’s capacity to heal several her own ailments. She witnessed massive positive transformation in her relationships and developed an enlivened sense of purpose through these teachings. 

“I see projectors and reflectors as beings who are designed for energy input, and generators and manifesting generators as beings who are designed for energy output.”
- Jessie Klein 

Take a seat and listen up because we go deep on human design in this episode. We cover the general, such as how human design gives us permission to be who we are meant to be, all the way into the details, including what role open centers play in our human design. This week’s episode is all about play, and I hope you enjoy listening in as much as I enjoyed creating it. 

“You are your own authority, at the end of the day. So do what feels right for you.”
- Jessie Klein  

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