Solo: I Know Nothing


“In an expert’s mind, there are standards to meet. There’s a way things should be. In a beginner’s mind, everything is wide open, open to possibilities.”
- Kelsey Abbott

Beginner’s mind is a concept I’ve mentioned before on the Find Your Awesome Podcast. But even knowing it doesn’t mean I always succeed in embracing it. There are times when I struggle with it—particularly when I’m restarting something I’ve already “begun.” Teaching myself juggling? No problem adopting a beginner’s mind. But restarting biking this past winter? Yeah, not so much. So how can we adopt a beginner’s mind without having the universe shove it in our faces? It’s about letting go of expectations and stopping trying to predict the future. In short, it’s about embracing the fact that we know nothing—and that that’s a good thing.

“I had such a beginner’s mind. I ran every single step as a step of curiosity.”
- Kelsey Abbott

“I held myself to standards that were no longer true for me.”
- Kelsey Abbott

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The Energy of June with Amy White


Bonus Episode: Three Tools to Help You Love Yourself