Three Types of Luck and the Difference Between Coaching and Therapy with Amy Babish

Meet my friend Amy! Amy and I just finished our 8-month House Therapy Certification program. Together, we have learned so much about the wild twists and turns that our homes can guide us through. We talk about Feng Shui in this episode, but we also talk about coaching and the difference between coaching and therapy. Amy is a Leadership and Relationship Coach, a Somatic Expert, an NLP Mindset Practitioner and, of course, a House Therapist. She’s also a licensed psychotherapist with 20 years of experience. Amy is a highly intuitive 1/3 Manifesting Generator who has gathered so much helpful wisdom along her path.

Find Amy online and sign up for her newsletter at

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Human Design Transits October 20- 25, 2023


Jaclyn explains Astrology Houses and Planets