Human Design: Top Left Arrow and Routine
The top left arrow on a Human Design chart shows us how much consistency our soul craves in order to maximize our ease and flow. If that arrow points to the left, we want more consistency. If that arrow points to the right, we want less consistency.
When I first learned about this part of the chart, I heard someone say that it meant you did or didn’t love routine. My arrow points to the left, but the word “routine” makes me think of structure, strategy and frameworks—things that make my skin crawl. And then someone clarified, saying, “it’s like the consistency of a morning routine.”
Ohhhh, well this I could get behind. I’ve had a non-negotiable morning routine for the past five years. I’ll get up at 3:30am to make sure I can complete my whole morning routine. Structure makes me cringe, but don’t mess with my morning routine. 😉 Humans are complicated creatures.
And now, as the universe invites us to partake in this massive system upgrade, I’ve discovered some new non-negotiables that help my energy flow freely. First: family meditations every evening. And second: salt baths before bed.
These may be parts of my self care from now on, or they may just be for this season. I don’t know and I don’t need to know. The left-facing arrow indicates that my energy flows more freely with MORE consistency, not ALL the consistency.