Human Design: Open Centers and the Universe
The universe is asking us to explore our open centers.
That process will look different for each of us. For me, I’ve known that I feel other people’s mental energy through my open Ajna. I understand the superpowers that come with this gift.
I thought I understood the challenges too. And then the universe shoved me into the AP class. (I didn’t even know there was an AP class.)
Meditation, movement and reading fiction were no longer enough to help me empty other people’s thoughts and beliefs out of my Ajna. I learned that I amplify other people’s fear-thoughts—and there are a lot of those floating around right now.
As with all things, we’re not supposed to be any good when we first start. I stumbled a lot. And slowly, I’m starting to build my new toolbox.
I’ve found that ideas that feel true land somewhere in my body. Ideas, thoughts, beliefs and opinions that belong to other people swirl in my head.
Human design shows us that our heads are for observing and processing, not for deciding or doing or knowing.
And so, once again, I remember that the truth is in my body and that playing in my mind will only lead to suffering.
What are you learning through your open centers right now?
Remember: you don’t have to dive into your open centers alone. I’m here to help.