A Letter to Manifesting Generators

Dear Manifesting Generators,

The only thing we’re supposed to commit to is joy.

We may feel totally lit up and excited about something one day, and then not that into it the next day or week or year. That is our design.

The universe shows us things that might pique our desire and invites us to follow that desire. These are our breadcrumbs. We follow the desire, get what we’re supposed to get from the experience and then we move on. And we do it quickly.

Sometimes that speed triggers the people around us. It’s not our job to slow down to let them catch up, or to sacrifice our joy to please them. We’re here to show everyone that it’s safe (and totally worth it) to follow the joy.

Stay in your own zig-zaggy lane, my dear MGs. Follow your joy.

Love, Kelsey


Our Invitation in 2020


Let Go and Trust. Let Go and Trust.