Business in the Age of Aquarius

March has been a magical month and April is about to be even more magical because… 

I'm going to be a part of a 6-day global conversation!

Business in the Age of Aquarius:

Passion, Purpose, & Magic in Your Soul's Work Virtual Retreat

The Rise of Ideals, Consciousness, and Humanity in Entrepreneurship

This event is featuring several highly-conscious female entrepreneurs, healers, and metaphysical leaders who are contributing to world healing through their powerful gifts, offering passionate perspectives on purpose, Spirit-led business practices, and rising consciousness through the conduit of our soul's work.


It's happening live from April 3-8, 2023.

AND it's FREE!


Here's just SOME of what you'll take away from this amazing event:


➡️ How to amplify the results in your soul-led business

➡️ How to hack your health to magnetize abundance

➡️ How to rock your own unique way of creating and marketing

➡️ Power tools for blowing through limiting beliefs and periods of stagnation

➡️ Starting podcasts to grow your business

➡️ How to process difficult experiences and stay on your path as a soulful entrepreneur

➡️ Tapping into the Law of Attraction and energy to grow your income and power


The wisdom shared will open new possibilities for you in your life and in your business. It's an amazingly rare event to have so much wisdom at your fingertips in such a short time, for completely free.


My conversation will mainly focus on:

Using Human Design to Own Your
Unique Gifts and Elevate the World


You can join us by simply clicking here to register.


This summit will leave you feeling lit the F up for a new, revolutionary direction in your work and inspired by new ways of thinking about your own personal experience that will totally transform your life.


When we engage in the experience of growing our awareness and potential, we unlock new possibilities for the whole planet. And, no doubt, it changes the game for what's available to us and we then can create totally new opportunities in our own lives — things we may have never before dreamed to be possible.


Sounds magical, right?? Come play with us!


I love you.


The Money Class doors are open!


want an incredible relationship with your inner critic? here's how.