want an incredible relationship with your inner critic? here's how.

We all have an INNER CRITIC who likes to “remind” us of all the things we aren't:

“You're not worthy enough to invest in yourself.”

“You're not fast enough to sign up for that race.”

“You're not smart enough to interview for that job you've always wanted.”


Every single human has an inner critic. We subconsciously develop this internal voice at a young age. Why? To protect ourselves.

The inner critic's logic is that, if it tells us that we're not good enough/ strong enough/ rich enough/ skinny enough/ smart enough/ worthy enough/ creative enough/ fun enough/ pretty enough, then it won't hurt as badly when other people tell us that we're not enough.

Good try, subconscious self.  

Our subconscious self is doing what it can to keep us safe. BUT there's a big side effect to its efforts: It's holding us back from being the greatest being we can be. 


Starting NEXT week, I am hosting a FREE Inner Critic Transformation 4-Day Challenge.

I am so excited to give this gift to you. I transformed my inner critic in 2013 and it was an absolute game-changer for me. I want the same for you! 

I wholeheartedly believe that transforming everyone's inner critic would make this planet a more joyful place. Let's start with YOU and watch the ripples spread.

I promise it will be fun and empowering. Are you ready?

The Inner Critic Transformation 4-Day Challenge starts Monday, March 20th and ends Thursday, March 23rd.

We'll be starting LIVE at 4pm EST each day, for about 30 minutes!

Over the course of 4 days, your inner critic will go from being an asshole who keeps you from being your sparkliest self to being a cheerleader who encourages you to shine bright like a diamond. 

You'll get:

✨ Clarity on what your inner critic says to you

✨ Clarity around how your inner critic has been holding you back


Is this feeling good to you??

Sign up here!

And if you already have other plans and won't be able to make it, the replays will be available for you until March 28th

I love you.



P.S. What happens when you start hanging out with your inner cheerleader?

You get lit up 🔥

P.P.S. I was recently on the How to Trust Your INtuition with Betsy LeFae Podcast!

Here's just a taste of what we dive into…

Why it is that no one needs to be afraid of their intuition

The difference between “feelings” and “emotions” in Human Design

How even when you don't listen or follow your intuition, you still aren't “getting it wrong”

Listen here!


Business in the Age of Aquarius


This energy can either support or challenge us, depending on how we use it