Human Design and Astrology Master Reading

My friend Caitlin Goehring and I are co-creating something truly amazing.

You know Caitlin, right? She's been on the podcast three times already (herehere and here) and we've got another episode airing later this month.

I'm not a fan of labels and neither is she, but if we had to fit into tiny boxes, we might choose these labels:
Caitlin: Astrologer + Reiki Master
Me: Human Design Reader + Coach

And if we got to include some fun labels, we might add:
Caitlin: 3/5 Reflector, Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon and Taurus Rising
Me: 4/6 Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority, Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon, Sagittarius Rising

Together, we're offering a Human Design and Astrology Master Reading. This is a three-hour extravaganza with us. You'll get a full Human Design Reading, a full Astrology Reading plus coaching and energy work.

Before you were born, your soul chose how you would change the world and then picked out all the tools you would need to do it. Then, your soul chose the exact time, place and date that you would enter Earth School to seal the deal on all of those gifts. You knew all of this on the day your were born, You knew what you were here to do and you knew all of the gifts you'd been given to share your magic with the world. That was day 1. On day 2, you started to forget all of it. By the time you were walking and talking, plenty of well-meaning humans even started telling you that there are proper ways of doing things. 

Human Design and Astrology help you remember who you are and this Master Reading is the ultimate remember-who-you-are experience. 

We are offering this experience on a few select dates this month. If this opportunity sparks something in your soul, book your session Here.

I love you.



I use science, spirituality and play to help people relax into their true essence so they can experience more ease, joy and abundance. Here are the current ways we can play together:

Human Design Readings
Coaching (Mini Sessions, Full Sessions, Long-term Coaching or Small Group Coaching)

Or email me at to start a conversation about co-creating your own coaching experience with me.

Human Design Master Classes
Core with Kelsey
Meditations by Kelsey

The Find Your Awesome Podcast
Podcast Interviews
Free Human Design Chart


meet Zumi


upgraded alignment