upgraded alignment

I'm sure the 18-year-old version of me made tons of questionable decisions, but she made at least one choice from a place of deep wisdom--a tattoo that symbolizes constant evolution.

That's what we're here for: constant evolution.

The universe is always inviting us to evolve, to grow, to become more of who we came here to be. And our souls are responding by unfolding into a deeper and deeper version of alignment.

Our human selves--well, they can be a few steps behind. We feel called to RELAX into our true essence. And, as we relax into our upgraded alignment, we also need to clean some stuff up in our human lives. We've got energy leaks to plug, relationships to retire, and plenty of stuff to shed and release.

This is what the last few months have looked like for me. I'm been plugging energy leaks like a boss, releasing patterns that are no longer serving me, upgrading relationships and rearranging furniture (both in my physical home and my internet home). The results can only be expressed in emojis: βœ¨πŸ’«πŸ€ΈπŸ»β€β™€οΈβ€οΈ

This is the energy I'm bringing into The Money Class. This is the process I'll be guiding you through in The Money Class. This is the energy that will be flowing through The Money Class. We start Tuesday. Are you coming?

Register for The Money Class here.

Need more info? Read the syllabus here.

Is one-on-one work more your style? I feel you. Book a 1-1 Coaching session with me here or book a Human Design Reading here.

I love you.


P.S. Most of this magical experience has been invisible to the outside, but my upgraded website is wonderfully beautifully visible. Please go check it out and tell me you love it. Danielle created such a magical internet home for me!


Human Design and Astrology Master Reading


The syllabus for The Money Class ✨