I made the decision to Sparkle

At the start of 2014, I chose a word for the year. That word was "SPARKLE."

The previous year, I had transformed my inner critic from a bullying jerkface who told me that I wasn't good enough, fast enough, smart enough, or pretty enough into a flying, cape-wearing little friend who constantly encouraged me to shine.

For years, my inner critic had told me that I wasn't worthy of shining, that I wasn't worthy of standing atop the podium and that I wasn't worthy of standing out.

As the calendar turned to 2014, I committed to standing up, shining and being seen. I promised myself that I would bring all of myself to everything I did.

I promised to trust that it was safe to be seen. And I made the decision to Sparkle--and I've been making the same choice every day for the past eight (almost nine) years.

Here's what I know now:

I don't have to hold back my Kelsey-ness to make other people more comfortable. My people love my sparkle and the people who don't love my sparkle aren't my people.

It's safe (and so fun!) to be on the top of the podium.

I serve the world by being my brightest shiniest me, not by dimming my light.

The universe wants me to be super sparkly! When I do what lights me up and allow myself to be overflowing with joy, my sparkle elevates the world.

All of this is true for you too.

I love you.

P.S. See? I wasn't joking. My clients are even living in THEIR sparkle


Trying to micromanage the universe leads straight to the strugglebus 🚌


We're all different- isn't that awesome?