Trying to micromanage the universe leads straight to the strugglebus 🚌

It all gets to be easy!

When we go through life as most humans do, we tend to be frequent riders of the strugglebus. We push. We force. We try to micromanage the universe. And ugh, it's all so hard.

But, when we do our job (living in alignment with our human design) and let the universe do its job, we flow with ease. It all feels so fun and magical

We board the strugglebus when we try to use our heads to figure out what to do next. We ride the ease train when we let the universe be our personal shopper.

β†’ If you're a Generator or a Manifesting Generator, you'll maximize ease when you allow the universe to bring you ideas, people, flavors, smells, songs, jobs, puppies and everything else. Your body will respond to each one of these things with a "holy hell YES," a "F**k NO" or nothing at all. Anything other than a "holy hell YES" is a no.

β†’ If you're a Manifestor or a Manifesting Generator, you'll maximize ease when you follow the urges the universe sends you. These are things you can't explain, like a sudden urge to play on the swings or jump in the water. Don't question them. Follow them.

β†’ If you're a Projector, you'll maximize ease when you wait to be invited before you share your brilliance.

β†’ And, if you're a Reflector, you'll maximize ease when you settle into the fact that you are fluid, and in your fluidity you experience the world differently every day.

Struggle and ease will feel different for all of us because alignment looks different for all of us. For me (a 4/6 Manifesting Generator), struggle looks like sitting at my computer trying to figure things out with logic. And ease looks like meeting the perfect people at the pool in the middle of a workout

What do struggle and ease look like for you? Reply back to this email and let me know.

I love you.



P.S. Speaking of living more in your alignment…take a peek at what's evolving for clients in The Money Class right now:


money is meant to flow to us


I made the decision to Sparkle