Last year's standards aren't cutting it anymore.

Last year's standards aren't cutting it anymore.


That stuff that felt super sparkly and exciting a year ago might feel like an itchy sweater now.

Maybe you took up some hobbies that just aren't that fun anymore. Maybe you fell into a new friend group that leaves you feeling deflated when you get home. Maybe your job doesn't feel sparkly and exciting anymore…


Nodding along?


When we raise our standards, we inspire those around us to do the same. By setting an example of “I LOVE MY LIFE” we create a ripple effect that encourages others to create a life that they love. And when we show up FULLY, we inspire our people to show up fully as well.


I love helping my clients with this work! I help my clients…


Develop the confidence, awareness and skills to choose how they want to be in this world every second of every day so they can finally do the damn thing!


Create a life, a home and a body that are in alignment with their true self. We use a combination of ancient practices like Feng Shui, modern systems like Human Design and neuroscience-backed tools to make this total life upgrade ease-filled and fun.


Clear their conditioning and send those limiting beliefs straight to the compost so they can live freely in their own beautiful energy.


Gain clarity on who they are and why they're here so they can own, celebrate and share their gifts to change the world in a way that is fun, easy and joyful for them.


Sound fun to you?? Let's hop on a free 20 minute call to see how aligned we are together


What makes private coaching with me different? I've got a proven process that helps you remember who you are, clears your conditioning (the fun way!), and helps you really truly EMBODY your totally unique way of flowing through life. 


If you're getting a “maybe? ” about private coaching… I've got an idea for you… 


I have openings for my Mini Human Design Readings!


This quick and magical deep dive into your soul's blueprint might be more up your alley and you'll come away with so much clarity around your soul's blueprint (and yourself) after just 30 minutes with me!

I love you.




P.S. Remember the Goals with Soul Summit I was a part of last month? I have some goodies from that to share with you!


You can catch the recording of my interview here as well as your very own workbook with questions to reflect on. Grab that here!



Welcome to High Performance Coaching!


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