Welcome to High Performance Coaching!

Back in 2017, I was about to compete in triathlon nationals. I was sick in bed the day before the race, and I woke up still feeling like crap on the day of the race.

I told my husband that I thought I shouldn’t race, and he gave me the most simple (yet amazing!) response I could have gotten…

He replied:

“A DNS [did not start] is the same as a DNF [did not finish]. Try starting and see how it goes. You can always stop.”


🧠 He knew I could listen to my body, and if it said, “Kelsey, go back to bed,” I would hear it loud and clear.

I swam. I biked. And by the time I got to the run, I was actually excited! I was letting my body do its thing, while my mind watched and laughed at the ridiculousness of the whole experience. My legs wanted to run fast, but every time I sped up beyond a certain pace, I’d get dizzy. So I settled into a pace that kept me upright.



My wisdom lives in my body and my body is designed to LEAD. Any time I let my head get in the way, I put myself straight onto the struggle bus.


I do what feels good.


And if you’ve been around for a bit, you may have noticed that my “job title” has changed over the years. 


You’ve known me as the “Confidence Coach and Instigator of Joy”.

You’ve known me as the “Intuitive Human Design and Money Coach”.


And now… I’m embracing and feeling good about the title of:


High Performance Coach


My actual coaching hasn’t changed much, but this new title helps me embrace all of the tools I bring to the table. Which are…


🪄Professional Coaching

🪄Performance Coaching

🪄Energy Leadership

🪄Human Design

🪄Energy Healing


🪄Feng Shui


At the end of the day, I help my clients perform at their very best, all day, every day. And this title captures that intention, perfectly (if I do say so, myself!).

I love you.

P.S. Want the inside scoop of what it’s like working with me, 1:1? Listen to this convo I had with my client, Danielle!

And hey! If this kind of coaching is something that appeals to you, reach out to me via email, or fill out this super short form here, and let’s talk about working together!


do you have an “upper limit problem?”


Last year's standards aren't cutting it anymore.