listen up, Manifesting Generators and Generators

While I was running earlier this week, an idea for a blog post dropped into my mind. The topic lit me up and the words were tumbling out of me. I looked forward to allowing those words to flow through my fingers later that day.

That evening, I sat in my favorite writing spot with my computer on my lap and tried to capture the words that had been flowing so freely as I ran. I caught them and put them on the page, but they fell flat. The ideas that had totally lit me up earlier were doing nothing for me now.

As a Manifesting Generator, I wasn't especially surprised by this experience. We flow quickly and our sacral response changes fast. Sometimes I'll be super excited about a project on Monday and by Wednesday it feels flat. And sometimes, like earlier this week, I'll be lit up by something in the morning and totally over it by the evening.

This is normal for us.

The challenging part is listening to our quickly-changing sacral response. I could have forced that post out even though the topic was boring to me. Mmmhmmm. And how would that have made me feel? Frustrated. And what is frustration for a Manifesting Generator (and a Generator)? It's our "not-self" theme. In other words, whenever we feel frustrated, we know that we're out of alignment with our design.

Our culture teaches us to commit to things, to plan ahead and follow through, to push through even when it doesn't feel good. Ick.

Listen up, Manifesting Generators and Generators: We are here to follow what lights us up. When something lights us up, it is for us. If something doesn't light us us, it's not for us (even if it was for us an hour earlier).

It's important for all of us sacral beings to take constant inventory of our sacral response, asking our bodies, "Does this light me up?" Generators will probably notice that the answer is yes for weeks, months, maybe even years at a time. But for MGs, that response can change hour to hour. It's our job to keep up with ourselves.

And that means it's not energetically correct for us (Manifesting Generators) to commit to things too far in advance because we know our response will change.

So, my fellow MGs, for the love of all that is sparkly, please free yourself from the prison of commitment!

It's okay to say, "I don't know" when someone asks you if you want to do something in the future. It's okay to say, "maybe" or "probably" when something feels like a sacral yes right now (but who knows how it will feel when you're about to do it). And it's okay to say, "no" if something doesn't light you up at all.

If you're reading this and you are not a Manifesting Generator, please love us. Please be patient with us. Please learn to see the magic in our connection with the present moment. Please don't ask us to plan months in advance. And please love us when we're brave enough to change our "minds."

I love you.


P.S. The price on the 4/6 class is increasing soon. If you want to grab this video at the current price of $33, get it now. Here's the link.

P.P.S. If you want to work with me in a transformative, sacred, powerful and fun way, book a private session here. I love these so much! Come play!

P.P.P.S. Today, on The Find Your Awesome Podcast, Leslie Thornton teaches us all about hypnosis. This conversation fascinated me. Listen here, on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify.

The Find Your Awesome Podcast
Free Human Design Chart

Private Sessions
Human Design Readings
Long-term One-on-One Coaching for Light Leaders

Human Design Classes
Core with Kelsey
Unstuck Yourself
Inner Critic Transformation
Sparking Joy


let's meditate


how do we know if we're feeling other people's energy?