Money is at the door – are you opening it?

Money and I haven't always been BFFs. We've been through a few awkward stages. I tried to ignore money or avoid it or even say that I didn't want to be friends with it. But as rude as I'd been to money, money kept asking to play with me. And FINALLY, I heard it.

"Oh, you want to play? I LOVE to play!" 

We've been having a blast together ever since.

I want to help you understand that money wants to play with YOU.

That money is a playful energy.

That there's more than enough.

That joy is the key to all of it and that abundance of all forms is available for you.

You'll learn to embrace and embody these truths in The Money Class. And the next round starts March 28!

Unlocking YOUR Money Magic

We all dance with energy (and money is energy) in our own unique way.

So, Manifestors and Generators and Manifesting Generators and Projectors and Reflectors are all going to dance differently!

That's why I incorporate YOUR Human Design (which is so much more than just your energy type) into The Money Class.

By playing with us in the money class, you'll:

💸 Learn how to use your Human Design strategy, authority, energy, ease patterns and gifts so you can learn what YOUR soul needs, and wants.

💸 Learn how money works... so you can see, create, and enjoy more abundance

💸 Understand how to find energy leaks and how to plug the unwanted places your money is going 

💸 Discover how to align with your Human Design to maximize your flow

I have no idea what specific magic will come your way during this class, but my past Money Class students have welcomed an abundance of money into their lives, bought new houses, received new cars, upleveled relationships, lost weight and completely shifted their mindset around all forms of abundance.

The magic is ready for you. Come experience it and sign up to be on the waitlist here!

If you have more questions about this class, book a 20 minute call with me to see if this is a right fit for you.

I love you.




do you have emotional authority?


abundance vibes, first birthdays, nudges from the universe, HD New Year + Q&A