do you have emotional authority?

Emotional Authority. Half the world has emotional authority while the other half….does not.

I have emotional authority.

That means that I have my own emotions--and I don't feel other people's emotions. I have my own emotional wave--and I'm always somewhere on that wave. And I have emotional intuition that guides my decisions.

The same is true for you if you have Emotional Authority.

Emotional troughs--the low parts of our emotional waves--are gifts from the universe. When we give ourselves 24 hours to allow the emotions to flow through us, we will feel so much clarity on the other side.

Emotional Authority is a super power. It will always guide us exactly where we need to go, but we'll never feel absolutely certain about its guidance. The key to trusting our Emotional Authority is to make peace with being 89% sure that we're going in the right direction.

By embracing your emotional authority, you can unlock powerful magic for making decisions that align with your true desires and needs!

Fun stuff, right??

Danielle and I go into depth on this in one of my recent episodes of The Find Your Awesome Podcast

We talk about why emotional waves are awesome and dive into the different ways that emotional and non-emotional people experience the world.

This is an eye-opening conversation, so hopefully you hear something in here that helps you better understand yourself and/or your partner!

Give it a listen here if you're being drawn to learn more!

I love you.



P.S. There are four different types of Emotional Authority. If you want to learn how to unlock the magic of your particular flavor of Emotional Authority, check out my Emotional Authority Master Class here


This energy can either support or challenge us, depending on how we use it


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