my secret weapon

I hired two new coaches this year.

First, I hired a new triathlon coach My previous coach was really good. I had fun and I trained and raced well with help from his coaching. And then I hired my new coach--a guy I've known for 15 years, a guy who knows more about triathlon training than me and all of my previous coaches combined.

And everything--the training, the racing and the athlete-coach relationship--got even better.

I had no idea how amazing things could be until I was brave enough to release the "not this" to make room for the "THIS."

And then I hired my business coach She's the coach I didn't even know existed (and yet I've known her for more than a year). She's a spiritual badass who plays the energetic alignment game so well and brings all of her strategic gifts to the party.

I had no idea I could feel this supported. I had no idea it could be this easy. I had no idea it could be this amazing. It keeps getting better and better!

Kelsey….we're not meant to do it alone. We're designed to fit together like puzzle pieces and, together, we rise.

Both of my new coaches have gifts that I don't have. I love that my triathlon coach can tell me the perfect tire pressure to optimize my performance for a race on a bumpy road. I love that my business coach can see the perfect recipe to grow my business while keeping me fully aligned with my authentic self.

And I love that they both help me be my best self RIGHT NOW.

Ever been curious about hiring a coach to help you be your best self right now?? Reply to this email asking any questions you have!

I love you.


P.S. In THIS podcast episode, I dive deeper into the 9 ways coaching can help you. Give it a listen if it sounds like something you want to learn more about.


you're here to be a weirdo


how I met my husband (it was not love at first sight)