how I met my husband (it was not love at first sight)

Have I told you the story about how I met my husband, Pete?

We were both interns at a dolphin research center in Hawaii. I had already been interning for about 6 months, studying dolphin cognition, behavior and health when this new intern group started.

Pete was part of this group. Our time overlapped for about 2 weeks, so my group could help train the new group.

And it was not love at first sight. 🤷‍♀️

I thought Pete was a cocky bastard (and he pretty much thought the same about me).

And I was a little annoyed that these newbies were taking up so much of our time.

But then one day, after a long day that left me with fish scales in my belly button, I had to stay late to fix a clogged drain. And the guy I previously thought was a cocky bastard showed up in the fish room and stuck his arm down a drain to clean out the fish guts for me.

WHAT?!? You'd think I'd catch on to the fact that he liked me. 🤣

I didn't.

It wasn't until we started running together and playing together that I started having so much fun and realized that I wanted this guy in my life forever.

My head never would have agreed with this decision. It thought the whole relationship was completely illogical, but my body said, "YES PLEASE! THANK YOU! MORE PLEASE!" And somehow, long before I'd ever even heard of Human Design, I was wise enough to listen to my body.

Human Design reminds us that, especially for Generators and Manifesting Generators, the universe is our personal shopper. It is constantly bringing us new colors, new flavors, new people, new ideas, new songs and new opportunities and inviting our bodies to respond. And when our bodies say, "HELL YES!" we know that's the path we're supposed to take.

Through the time my client Tina and I worked together, she found this out too.

“Coaching does so much to remove the old stories and conditioning but if you’ve never been somewhere, how do you actually know where you’re going or what’s really for you?

That’s where Human Design comes in: your soul already chose a path of magic for you and your only job is to align. AND added bonus, alignment feels AMAZING in the body.”

Tina Olsen

The universe is always guiding us towards ease, joy and abundance. We just need to listen and trust. And know that what is meant for us, will come to us.💞

I love you.

Love, Kelsey

P.S. Speaking of Human Design, do you have your Human Design chart yet? What are you waiting for??? Jump into this playground and see what your soul chose for you!

P.P.S. Living in alignment with your soul’s blueprint is a BIG DEAL, and Human Design Coaching will help you do just that. Take a look around the coaching page on my website to see if we would be a good fit to work together on YOUR alignment 💗


my secret weapon


your soul picked out YOUR birthday