Your Open Centers and Baller Boundaries
Ballers have boundaries.
Your soul picked out every part of your Human Design so you could be what you came here to be, and do what you came here to do.
Every one of our defined centers (the colored in ones) is a place where we have our very own energy. And that energy buffers us from other people’s energy.
On the other hand, every one of our open (white) centers is a place for us to feel and amplify the energy around us. These are the places where we are empathic. These are the places where we embody the wisdom of others. And these are the places where we can get a little confused about what’s our’s and what isn’t.
The intensity at which we feel other people’s stuff depends on the number of open centers we have. If we only have one open center, we will feel other people’s stuff super intensely through that center. If we have six open centers, the external energy is spread across all six, lessening the relative intensity.
I have two open centers—my Ajna and crown. This means that I feel other people’s mental energy wicked intensely. This is a huge gift for coaching.
And it’s a huge opportunity for boundaries. To maintain my sparkle, I know that I need to empty out regularly by meditating or getting lost in a novel or getting into my body through movement. I know that minimizing my time on the internet is key for staying in my own energy. And I know that alone time is vital to remembering that my energy is sacred.
What gifts have your open centers given you?