plug your leaks
I had an epiphany in the middle of a podcast interview yesterday.
The host asked me if my retirement from social media aligned with my Human Design.
Lots of podcast hosts have asked me about my retirement from social media, but no one had ever asked me how social media retirement might align with my design. My head didn't know the answer, but as I started to talk, my body lit up with knowing.
"Oh, yes," I said, "It's in my top right arrow."
Hold up. Pull up your Human Design chart. (And if you don't have it, get it from me for free here.) You see the profile of a human head wearing a tent, right? On either side of the head, there are two arrows. Those arrows either point to the left or the right.
Are you with me?
Look at your top right arrow.
If it points to the left (towards the head), your energy will flow best when you allow yourself to be focused. If it points to the right (away from the head), your energy will flow with maximum ease when you allow yourself to focus on a bunch of things at the same time. This doesn't mean you're built for multitasking. It's more that there are a lot of things going on at one time, like listening to music while you write or listening to a podcast while reading a book.
My top right arrow points to the left. I am built for deep focus. (I see your sassiness, universe. That ADHD diagnosis was a nudge to learn how to step into this gift.)
Social media was a distraction for me. I was always thinking about what I was going to post next. This is so energetically incorrect for me that I now find it amusing. I am built for deep presence. Social media was an energy leak.
So, I plugged the leak. And it's been awesome.
If your top right arrow points to the left, it doesn't mean you need to retire from social media. But it does mean that you can maximize your flow by plugging your energy leaks.
To find your leaks, try asking yourself these two questions:
1) What is my work in the world? (A Human Design Reading can help with this. Book your session here.)
2.) What's distracting me from doing my best work? Or, What is keeping me from sharing my gifts with the world?
When you identify the leaks, plug 'em in whatever way feels good to you.
I love you.
P.S. Story time with Pete and Kelsey aired today! I am so grateful that I get to do life with this guy. We have so much fun adventuring and growing together, and I'm so excited to share this episode with you. We talk about living in the camper. Forgetting to trust. Remembering to trust. Forgetting our designs. Remembering our designs. And following so many signs from Makai. Listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or here.
P.P.S. Listen to my episode on Kelly Covert's In Her Voice Podcast: Turning Weaknesses into Strengths with Kelsey Abbott.
The Find Your Awesome Podcast
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Human Design Readings
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Unstuck Yourself
Inner Critic Transformation
Sparking Joy