that girl is a psycho

Summertime here in Florida is HOT. 

But do I let that stop me from running and cycling and swimming? Hell no.

I was 8 miles into a very hot run, a few days ago, when two cyclists passed me and I heard them say, “that girl is a psycho. She must be a triathlete.”

That made me smile so big!

Running is awesome. And so is biking and swimming and strength training. I love moving my body. And I feel my most beautiful, powerful, and badass when the sweat is flying off my skin.


I fully own the fact that I'm a weirdo (or a “psycho”) and that's the point. We're all completely different. We're all lit up by different things. We're all great at different things. We're all designed to flow through life differently.


If you're curious about how to tap into YOUR uniqueness...keep reading! I've got 4 exciting ways you can work with me!

High Performance Coaching

for people who do epic shit


Unlocking your life's purpose and living in ALIGNMENT doesn't have to be heavy or hard! If you want to tap into your true abundance, you need to understand your unique desires + Human Design....and I can help you with that!


Your life is really freakin' great but you know it can be mind-blowingly awesome.


So, if you're ready for MORE, you're all in for flow, you're ready to jump off the strugglebus, and you are looking for more ease, joy and abundance, let's play!


My private clients have access to my entire bag of tricks, which includes Human Design, energy healing, professional + performance coaching and Feng Shui.


Learn more here.


Full Human Design Readings

embrace your authenticity


In this 90-minute deep dive with me, you'll learn almost everything about your unique soul blueprint. And get clarity around the big stuff, like:

“How can I call in more abundance, especially around money?”

“Why am I here and what is my purpose?”

“How do I let go of the heavy and embrace the easy?”

Book your reading here.


Mini Human Design Readings

gain clarity around your soul's blueprint


Not ready for the FULL HD reading just yet? How about 30-minutes?

This quick and magical deep dive into your soul's blueprint might be more up your alley and you'll come away with so much clarity around your soul's blueprint (and yourself) after just 30 minutes with me!

Book your reading here.


The Money Class

transform your relationship with money


Round 4 of The Money Class dates are still TBA……BUT, you can grab your spot on the waitlist right now!


If you want less anxiety around money, if you want MORE money, if you want more ease around money….then this 12-week abundance adventure is for you.


Get on the waitlist here!


I love you.



P.S. I was recently on the “She Means Business” Podcast where I talk about the ways in which entrepreneurs can harness the power of their individual Human Design profiles to overcome obstacles and advance towards their goals and aspirations in life. I think you'll dig it! Listen here!


Free For All 🎪🤸‍♀️


my current favs