The universe actually knows what it's doing. It's our job to get out of the damn way.

Remember that story I told you about how I tried to micromanage the universe? (I can hear you saying, "which one, Kelsey?" 🤣) 

I'm referring to the one about how I tried to buy myself a new hydration pack for running even though the universe made it abundantly clear that I was not going the way I was supposed to go. If you missed that story, you can catch up Here

Okay. Now that you're caught up, here's the update:

I wore my old hydration pack and it was fine--as long as I wore my hair in pigtails--for 2 or 3 weeks. And then it started chafing my back. And my hair got tangled up in my earrings. It was fine as long as I wore my hair in pigtails, took out my earrings, cinched the straps really tight, put bandaids over the two painful chafing spots and smothered the rest of my back and shoulders in Body Glide. 

I was in massive tolerating mode and I really thought everything was fine. I'd figured out how to make it work. I wasn't even thinking about getting a new hydration pack.

And then an email dropped into my inbox. It was from the company that made my current hydration pack and it was a completely new design. It piqued my curiosity. I sat with it for 24 hours, allowing my emotional authority to lead me and discovered that the idea of the new pack made me smile.

I've done two runs with the new pack so far. I love it. I can wear my hair however I want. I can wear earrings if I want to. I can move my shoulders freely. It doesn't chafe. And it's a pretty color.

It turns out that it's even better than what I thought I wanted.

This is how it's supposed to work. When something actually becomes a "problem," the universe already has the solution and it will deliver that solution at the perfect time. If it's not the perfect time, it's not the perfect thing. And if it's not the perfect thing, it's not the perfect time.

The universe actually knows what it's doing. It's our job to get out of the damn way.

I love you.


P.S. If you missed Friday's email, here's the announcement: Individual Human Design Readings are now a two-session package. The first session will be the full chart reading, diving into every aspect of your chart. The second session will be a coaching session to help you actually embody your design. This upgraded offer feels soooo good! Go Here to book your 2-part reading/coaching package. 


I use science, spirituality and play to help people relax into their true essence so they can experience more ease, joy and abundance. Here are the current ways we can play together:

Human Design Readings
Coaching (Mini Sessions, Full Sessions, Long-term Coaching or Small Group Coaching)

Or email me at to start a conversation about co-creating your own coaching experience with me.

Human Design Master Classes
Core with Kelsey
Meditations by Kelsey

The Find Your Awesome Podcast
Podcast Interviews
Free Human Design Chart


from "WTF?" to "Ohhhhhh"


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