from "WTF?" to "Ohhhhhh"

Human Design first came into my life in 2018. We'd just moved to Florida after traveling around the country in a camper for 16 months. I'd been coaching for 5 years and making The Find Your Awesome Podcast for a year. I was content in my life and business. I didn't feel like anything was missing.

And then, after we finished recording, a podcast guest said to me, "Have you heard of Human Design?"

I cocked my head to the side like a confused puppy and said, "um, like anatomy?"

She clarified a little bit and said, "No, you need to know your birth time."

Completely confused and curious, I started googling as soon as we got off Zoom. I found a place to get my chart, entered my information and saw my very first Human Design chart. "WTF?" I thought as I laughed to myself.

I walked away from Human Design that day, but I came back the next day... and then the one after that, and the next one after that.

I went from "WTF" to "OMG" as I felt so seen by everything I discovered in my chart. And then I kept going and I went from "OMG" to "Ohhhhhh." I discovered that Human Design brought something to my coaching that I didn't know I'd been missing.

Human Design helps my clients (and me, and potentially you) see the unique tools their soul chose for them. Coaching helps us use those tools to live a fully aligned and ecstatic life. When we are living in full alignment and empowerment, we create a life of ease, joy and abundance.

That's why I'm so excited to pair Human Design readings with a coaching call. I want to make sure you don't just get a pretty picture of who you were meant to be in this life, but also how to be the person your soul chose for you.

Book your 2-Part Human Design Reading here.

I love you.



I use science, spirituality and play to help people relax into their true essence so they can experience more ease, joy and abundance. Here are the current ways we can play together:

Human Design Readings
Coaching (Mini Sessions, Full Sessions, Long-term Coaching or Small Group Coaching)

Or email me at to start a conversation about co-creating your own coaching experience with me.

Human Design Master Classes
Core with Kelsey
Meditations by Kelsey

The Find Your Awesome Podcast
Podcast Interviews
Free Human Design Chart


sometimes soul expansion is sole expansion


The universe actually knows what it's doing. It's our job to get out of the damn way.