This is your chance to see *exactly* how much more abundance you can experience in your life

I love a good bowl meal. Bring on a big bowl of granola, African peanut stew, or DeBoom chili.

But my salads don't fit in single-serving bowls.

I don't like to be limited. I am here for ABUNDANCE so I'll eat my salad out of a mixing bowl, thank you very much.

This universe is forever expanding and growing. New stars are being created. New trees are growing. New animals are being discovered.

Abundance is everywhere, all around us at all times.

We just need to look for it--and refrain from smushing it into a tiny salad bowl.

Like the universe, I am forever expanding and growing. I live in abundance.

We are all designed to live in abundance. The universe wants to bring us abundance. But, because conditioning is wicked sticky, we often get tangled up in actually allowing that abundance in.

You (and every other being on the planet) are meant to receive. We are meant to expand. We are meant to frolic in abundance.

Let's do it together.

I'm hosting a FREE Money Class Open House, Monday, August 29th, 4-5pm EST.

This class is for…

Humans! Seriously, if you live with and engage with money on a regular basis, then it's for you.

Anyone who feels like “hustle harder” is not the answer.

People who want to experience more ease, joy, and abundance.

Save my spot!

This is your chance to see *exactly* how much more abundance you can experience in your life.

I love you.


The Money Class Open House 🎉


let's start money-festing…