let's start money-festing…

Let's start money-festing…

But before we do that, let's talk about the Good Apple/Bad Apple Experiment

Danielle LaPorte put 2 halves of an apple in separate jars on top of her windowsill.

One apple received praise and love as she walked by.

“We love you, apple!” “You're so useful apple!” “Good apple!”

The other apple received only negative words thrown at it as she passed.

“You no good useless fruit!” “I hope you rot!” “You're so rotten!”

After about 25 days, the apple that received love and positivity looked as though it had been freshly cut. The apple that received nothing but negative feedback was moldy and rotten.

Everyone and everything wants to feel appreciated. And we want to be around those who make us feel that way, right??

Feeling appreciated makes us feel safe.
It feels loving. It feels good

Money wants to feel good too. When we create a loving environment for money to flow in, money will want to flow with us. Money will want to be around us.


But if we're constantly feeling gross and turned off by money, it won't want to hang out with us.

So, how do we create a loving relationship with money and make it feel appreciated?

With gratitude, love and celebration.

Once you start appreciating every single penny or gift in your life, you'll start to notice you have a lot to be grateful for.

“Oh my goodness, I found a dollar bill while walking into work!”

“I get to fuel my body and my family with delicious, nutritious food! Thank you, money! Thank you, grocery store workers! Thank you farmers! Thank you to everyone who helps get that food from the farm to my plate!”

“I get to exchange money for services that support my life. Thank you, money for paying for the electricity that cools my house, keeps the lights on and powers this computer. Thank you, money, for paying for the coaches who help me make my life amazing. Thank you, money, for paying for a pool membership so I can train in the sunshine...”

Let that appreciation flow. Allow yourself to reach the point where you realize, "Holy moly, I am so supported!"

Changing your relationship with money might change your relationship with everything

That's why I created The Money Class Open House! Where we can learn how money works... so you can see, create, and enjoy more abundance. We'll also be learning how to uncover blocks to earning, having, and keeping money.

Come play with us! August 29th, 4-5pm EST.

Grab your spot!

I love you.



This is your chance to see *exactly* how much more abundance you can experience in your life
