What would it be like for money to keep coming to you because it feels safe and loved?

The first thing I do every morning is go outside to greet the day. I use this time to say good morning to the world and ask for divine guidance.

Sometimes I see a bunny. And sometimes that bunny hangs out with me just a couple of feet away. And sometimes that bunny hops right up to me and sits next to me. And sometimes that bunny hops right up to me and gives me bunny kisses with his nose.

The bunny can't speak to me using words I would understand. I can't speak to the bunny with words he would understand. And yet, we can still communicate.

He can feel my energy and I can feel his. And we have gained this mutual trust for one another. So he keeps coming back because he knows it's safe.

Come along with me (and my bunny friend) for just a minute...

What would it be like for money to keep coming to you because it feels safe and loved?

Because the truth is: This is exactly how the universe wants everything to be!

Your relationship with money can feel warm and fuzzy. Your relationship with money can also feel playful and fun like a bunny hopping through the grass.

This Money-Bunny relationship is totally possible for you.

You will learn how to embrace this playful abundance in The Money Class

The Money Class starts September 12th! And it runs for 12 weeks over Zoom.

By joining me for this 12-week adventure, you can expect to walk away with mindset shifts to allow you to make conscious energy investments that light you up. We'll uncover blocks to earning, having, keeping, AND spending money.

✨You'll learn how to regulate your nervous system to maximize your time in flow.

✨You'll learn how to use your Human Design strategy and authority so you can learn what YOUR soul needs, and wants.

✨You'll get a 30-minute Human Design mini reading AND a 30-minute energy healing session with me.

✨You'll get weekly emails filled with extra abundance tips.

✨You'll get access to our Voxer group support throughout the course.

✨And we'll work together to maximize the fun in your life 🤸‍♀️ Because what's the point of living in abundance if we aren't having fun in it??

📗We'll also read two books together:

“It's Not Your Money” by Tosha Silver & “Love Money, Money Loves You” by Sarah McCrum.

It's kind of like our own book club, but also nothing like a book club.

Join us! (and yes, you can bring your bunnies or fur babies )

Love, Kelsey


4 step 💰 process


"Holy Shit" moments and saying "YES!"